Today we are going to go through some of the dangers that come with teens using the internet. Please note that if a teen chooses to use social media they're giving personal information out! Also please sit back relax and enjoy the blog as it has been a little while since I last posted!
Danger #1 Cyber-bullying
In school you may get bullied and the best thing to do is walk away but what if you cant? I mean yes you can always log off but one of the major things with bullying on the internet is that they can follow you. Say for example someone with the same username in all of their profiles is being bullied. Yes, you can block them but what stops them from making another profile or getting more people involved? Cyber-bullying sends more teens into suicide each year than regular bullying. That is seriously bad everyone like omg.
Danger #2 Sexual Predators
A big problem with thee social media sites is that anyone can sign up and you can put any age you like. Also with google images you can easily find a picture of a boy or girl and identify yourself as them. These predators will say they're of teen age they'll get to know you then one day they'll ask to meet in person. whatever you do DO NOT MEET THEM IN PERSON. These predators love chat rooms mostly because you can basically chat and if someone gets to trusting another person they'll tell them personal things. I personally don't use chat rooms but I do use Skype and I only talk to my best friend and my grandfather. Also a lot of kidnappings and rape crimes are a cause of kids trusting someone they don't know on the internet. My advice to you don't agree to meet in person and just because you think they're profile picture looks nice doesn't mean that's really them.
Danger #3 YouTube
YouTube is a cool site I have to say you can share your interests with the world and if you feel like it you can make your own show. But they're are a lot of dangerous things people can do on the site and I am not talking about just teens. Imagine a young woman makes a video and posts it shes in her bedroom and shes got a window behind her with a bunch of different high priced items. Automatically you can tell if she has any money to spend and if you look out the window you can possible see the outside of her home. Also with many YouTube video personnel you can also send them things you make or even just buy them things they like and send them. This gives out your city and your state and I know some people will wait for you even if it is a P.O. box. Also with this if you choose to videotape yourself doing and errand they can see street signs and many other things that could lead to you getting into some bad things.
So that is just some of the dangers that could get the person using the sites into some bad things. Also some people can track your IP address and they're hackers that will hack anything they can get their hands on. No one is really safe on the internet but they're are some things you can o to be safe.
#1 Report and block any bullies or "trolls" (a troll is a person who will harass and harass and will not stop until you take action and remember all they want is a reaction)
#2 Don't give your info out to anyone unless you know them in real life and trust them
#3 put your Facebook profile or any other profile you may have on private. This will stop random people from seeing your account and your pictures.
#4 Also I didn't mention this but girls mostly and some guys put your clothes on for pictures. It is not cool to look cool with just your bra and underwear on in a picture!
So that is all for this blog I hope you all enjoyed it!