Monday, August 13, 2012

My First Blog Entry for The Year/Left Handers Day

Hello, My name is Andrea. I am ten years old and I am in fifth grade. I was born on September fifteenth,2001 I am very short and skinny. I love playing soccer and doing girl scouts. And this is my blog it is called Saga of pandibear. My favorite color is red, I wear glasses, and i look a lot like my mom

 My summer was lots of fun. I swam in our pool (we don't own a pool in the area we live in they have one). I got to see my grandparents, I caught some crawdads I caught two in a row in a bucket,  I took my SOL'S and I passed i got above the fifth stanine on every subject my best score was in spelling i got ninety-nine percent I am now a fifth grader yay!

This year I want to learn about many things like How wood came to be. Who made the first ever fan? How big was the very first computer ever made? Were humans originally in the form of a monkey? What was the first musical instrument to be played? What is the Liberty Bell, and why does it have a crack in it? What year was the first porcelain doll made in? Why are all the queens in Britain named Elizabeth? Who made the first scooter? What is the heaviest dinosaur? Who played the very first electric guitar? Who played the very first guitar? How long is the great wall of China and when was it built? What was the first ever rock song called and when was it wrote and preformed? Why was witch craft so horrible to so many people? And many more cool questions.

On August 13th, 1976 an organization know as Lefthanders International first declared this holiday. This organization served as a source of information for left-hander's It also sold left-handed products several years before going out of business. No one entity really picked it up from there. Now, its up to individuals and local organizations to celebrate this day. We have not heard of left-handed parades or large parties. Left-hander's day is not marked in calendars either. There will always be some mention of this day in a few newspapers or local TV stations that can be easily missed by public at large. The question is - What can we do to change this and bring more attention to left-hander's day.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    I just have to say that you did a great job on this first post. You do need to work on punctuation and capitalization. We will go over what you missed and how you can fix it.

    Great start to a new year of blogging!

    word count: 404 words
    score: 23/25

    Love Mommy
