Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things That I like to do in the summer

My dad wants me to write about things that I like to doo in the summer so for the rest of this blog that is what I will do throughout this blog.
One thing that I like to do in the summer is go swimming in my pool. You see the place that I live in has its own pool and it is free to go to with our rent. Although it cost money to take guests in it is usually two to three dollars so it’s pretty cheap. I ounce went to the eleven feet side with my mom on my noodle. And when we looked under water everything was blurry instead of the three feet side were you can see clearly.

Another thing I like to do is play Frisbee. I and my dad usually play out at the back yard. It is weird that when my eyes are open I throw horribly but when I close my eyes I can throat straight. And what stink I kept throwing it into our neighbor’s yards. I have this orange Frisbee I got it from the Manassas jubilee from this band that threw them out at the audience.
I also like to visit my in laws in West Virginia in the summer. I usually spend a lot of time with all of my grandparents they have nice houses to.  My grandma Linda owns two houses and my pappie owns an apartment.  I usually eat good too although my favorite restaurant Audri’s went out of business but there is other restaurants I like like Tudor’s biscuit world and Hardy’s Red burrito.


  1. As a (usually) pretty involved parent, I'd like to know who the hell these in-laws are and how I managed to miss your wedding.


  2. LOL. Neat.-Grandma Linda
