Friday, July 26, 2013

Why Reading is Important

Reading is important for a whole bunch of reasons. One of the fundamental (fundamental means Forming a necessary base or core of central importance) reasons is that reading develops the mind. Reading is also a method of discovering new things and adding value to our knowledge base. It is also a vital (vital means absolutely necessary or important) skill that can help us to find a good job because some well paying jobs require reading as part of job performance. Reading is also important because it helps keep your mind active and growing. And people who read more often are more likely to have more knowledge of some subjects (I imagine like reading or English) (1)



  1. Andrea,

    I have to say that you could have done so much more for this posting. You barely even had 100 words. I realize that you don't like to read but it is vital for your life.

    Because you want to be a doctor, you will have to read all kinds of things. You will have to read patient records, information on different testing for your patients and information about your job. Reading will be a big part of your life.

    Enjoy reading the things that you want now, someday when you're an adult, you'll have to read all kinds of things that you don't want to.


  2. Reading is very important. Grandma Linda
