Friday, August 2, 2013

Why Your Stomache Growls and Ways to Stop it From Growling

Hunger and appetite are controlled by a complex system of hormone-like substances that are primarily made by your digestive system. These substances are like little messengers who rely essential information to other parts of your body. When you haven’t eaten for a while, these hormone-like substances are given the green light to be released. One of their primary functions is to cause the part of your brain, called the hypothalamus, to “switch on” your desire to eat. The brain gets the all clear to pass on the message to your stomach and intestines. The message is a simple one. It tells the stomach that it’s time to contract its muscles are release a torrent of acids and other digestive fluids. All of these mechanisms and processes going on in your gut are the cause of the rumbling and grumbling sounds you hear coming from your stomach. Your body is prepping itself and getting ready for you to begin consuming food. The thought, sight or smell of food also can often trigger this response as well. (1)

Now I know these growls and things happening in your stomach might hurt so I am going to tell you some things to help you prevent these growls.

The absolute best way to keep your stomach noises under control is to pay attention to your meal sizes. The goal is to eat smaller, more frequent meals. The more food you have in your stomach on a consistent basis, the less likely it will be to growl hungrily and embarrass you. By eating smaller portions, you consume the same amount of food, just spaced out over a longer time frame. It ensures that your body never reaches the point where it must remind you to eat. Eating smaller, more frequent meals is also healthier for you in the long run. If you know you’re going to be in a quiet place like church or say, at a funeral try to avoid certain gassy goods and drinks beforehand. This means no seltzer, beans, or broccoli. Sometimes excessive stomach noise can be a symptom of an underlying gastrointestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome. But in such cases, stomach noise usually is accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as bloating, cramping, diarrhea or excess gas.(1)

So apparently those growls and stuff in your stomach are actually your hormones telling your body you are hungry. And a way to stop it is not eat gassy foods and eat smaller portions, that would be a little hard cause like what if your food is really delicious and you can only have like half a plate. And it dosent say this but if you need to burp and you force your body not to that gas will you into your stomach and bug you until you open your mouth and let it out. At least I finally know how to prevent this I do not think il eat smaller portions cause we have snacks but it is a little helpful.


December,11 2010


  1. Well done ANDI. great story. learn something all the time. lots huggs and kisses. Pappie

  2. Interesting.-Grandma Linda
