Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trip to WV

I went to West Virginia on October 7th. I came back October 11th. On my last day on vacation i ate at Gino's. I also saw two of my grandparents. I saw my grandma's new house it was huge.

I also finished a game called unfortunate accidents. Its were you kill people but you make it look like a accident. And I had hot dog chili.

On the day we left we ate dinner at Dairy Queen. I had a white ice cream cone. then we drove to our house. After we got to the house I went to bed.


  1. Andrea,

    Your post is short but there is a lot of information. I believe it could have been longer. and you need to remember to capitalize the beginning of a sentence.

    Your word count was 100 words

    Love mommy

  2. And you got to see Uncle Keith and Aunt Lily, which had to be the best part!

  3. Score for this post: 21/25
    2pt capitalization, not fixing
    1pt commas
    1pt use of it's/its
