Friday, March 16, 2012

If I Had A Million Dollars

If I really had a million dollars I would buy a horse, the biggest flat screen TV there is, my very own house just the way I want, a maid and a butler, id put 2,500 dollars in the bank for college, i would buy a island called Paradise La Andrea, batteries for my sisters MobiGo, a full sized mattress, sound proof ear phones for my mom could sleep, a mini fridge, sound proof walls, ice cream for my mini fridge, a trampoline, a snowmobile, a limousine, a horse carriage,  the nicest room ever and the nicest bathroom ever made, soft pillows, every piece ,  of barbie clothes known to man, cable, coolest clothes ever, a red velvet dress, the red ruby slippers, a four wheeler, a car, bling, anger management classless for my sister and Lazarus our cat, licking lessons for my cat, non meowing classes for Nemo, the best birthday party ever, a roller skating rink, a cheetah, a zoo, a panda, a restaurant, a gold tree, a money tree, a pizza tree, a flower garden that is 500 feet wide and 300 feet tall, a light that when you clap goes off also a shower like the light to, kit the car from the original movies, the delorian from the movie back to the future, a flat screen TV for my barbies that actually works and is real, magic powers, a deep freezer, a soccer field, a soccer net, my very own private jet, a hot tub with my name on it, a pool, a private blimp, 15 cars, a monster truck, the biggest bath tub ever, 15 extra pairs of glasses for my my mom and Alyson when she gets older, a juice bar for my bedroom that makes my favorite juices, slushiness, milk shakes, and smoothies, and finally id buy a big closet.


  1. Awesome!!-Grandma Linda!!!

  2. Andrea,

    You have chosen a lot of interesting things to buy. Your post was basically one long run-on sentence and you need to work on capitalization.

    Word count 302 words
    1pt run-on sentence
    1pt capitalization

