Thursday, November 17, 2011

George Washinton, Flutes, And Biology

George Washington was the first president of the United States of America! He was alive in the 1700s. He married a rich women, and nobody knows if it was for love or for money. He was at war for 8 long years. It was said when he was a kid he chopped down a cherry tree and told his father. All of the colonists in the 13 colonies voted George Washington as their first president. If there was a running for a king instead of a president, Washington would have won it. George Washington lost his father when he was only eleven. His mother counted on him to be the man of the house. George Washington lived in Virginia most of his life.

The oldest flute ever discovered may be a fragment of the femur of a juvenile cave bear, with two to four holes, found at Divje Babe in Slovenia and dated to about 43,000 years ago. In 2008 another flute dated back to at least 35,000 years ago was discovered in Hohle Fels cave near Germany. The discovery is also the oldest confirmed find of any musical instrument in history. Flutes are in the woodwind family. Flutes are one of the most popular instruments in an orchestra!

Biology means life science. It is split up in two words: bio means life and logy means study of science together they make biology which is the study of life. Biologists are still trying to figure out where we came from. Biology is how I found out the Milky Way started out as a dust speck. Without the study of life science we wouldn’t know a lot of things. Because of biology we know that there are nine planets, we live on Earth, we have a Milky Way, and many more things.


  1. Andrea,

    You did a great job on your blog today. I was unable to find any major problems with your post today. Great JOB!!!

    Your word count is 227 words.

    Your grade on this post is 25/25

    keep up the great work

    love mommy :)

  2. When you start learning about ecology, a really awesome project is to go around to local streams and test pH levels of the water. You can also record what kinds of animals and plants live in and near the water. You can also take note of any pollution and see if that affects wildlife. We did this as a field trip once when I was in school. It's best to visit 3 or 4 different streams, so you can note the differences. I know you like science, so I thought this would be cool!
