Tuesday, August 13, 2013

History of Fauquier County And Who it Was Named After

Fauquier County is a County in Virginia. Faquier is a last name not a meaning but it is French.

History At the time of European encounter, a sub-group of the Siouan-speaking Manahoac tribe, the Whonkentia, inhabited the area. They were forced out around 1670 by the Iroquois (Seneca), who did not resettle the area. The Conoy camped briefly near The Plains, from 1697 to 1699. The Six Nations ceded the entire region including modern Fauquier to Virginia Colony at the Treaty of Albany, in 1722. Fauquier County was established on May 1, 1759, from Prince William County. It is named for Francis Fauquier, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia at the time, who won the land in a poker game, according to legend. (if this is true it is one cool way to get your own county I would want to win a game of like rummy and get my own county and name it Rowan County) American Civil War battles in Fauquier County included the First Battle of Rappahannock Station, the Battle of Thoroughfare Gap, the Battle of Kelly's Ford, the Battle of Aldie, the Battle of Middleburg, the Battle of Upperville, the First and Second Battle of Auburn, the Battle of Buckland Mills, and the Second Battle of Rappahannock Station. (That is a lot of battles that took place in that area no wonder it is so historic) (1)

Celebrations Fauquier County celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2009 with year-long events. The festival kicked off with the A.A.H.A Celebrating Black History Month in February. The main event was held on May first when the main street in Fauquier County was filled with tourists and people who live there they had historians, demonstrations, performances, contests, activities, lectures, something called kid’s corner and some live music. Birthday cakes were assembled and shared with the Fauquier Food Distribution Coalition. There were historical site visits including some of the confederate battlefields. Many of the local churches participated in this event with homecoming celebrations. Festivities were concluded with the First Night Warrenton on December 31. This family-oriented event included musical performances, puppet shows and a magician. (1)

It is really a cool story about Fauquier County and how they celebrate its birthdate and other holiday celebrations. I used to live in Catlett which I think is in Fauquier County I’m not sure but when we visit my grandparents we always drive through Fauquier County. And it would be awesome to win a county over a card game although it is just a legend on the card game so if it is real or not I do not know. 

(1)    Historicalsites.com

This is Francis Fauquier
This is in Fauquier County


  1. Andrea,

    You did a really nice job with your post today. You learned a little and included your thoughts, which was a nice change. Thank you for posting the picture of Francis Faquier.. To clarify, yes you did live in Faquier County, that is where Catlett is located. (good memory).

    I know you don't always enjoy writing your blog posts, but it leads you to some interesting information or at least I think so.

    Keep up the good work. Only like 3 weeks till school starts.

  2. My Great Grandma and her parents were from Fauquier County,VA. How they ended up in Clarksburg,WV is a mystery to me. -Grandma Linda
