Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Facts about Nathaniel Bacon, One of pluto's moons, and how to care for a pet hamster!

When he arrived in Virginia, Bacon settled on the frontier near Jamestown, Virginia, and was appointed to the council of Governor William Berkeley.Before the "Virginia Rebellion" as it was then called, began in eastern, in 1674 a group of so called "freeholders"  on the Virginia frontier demanded that Native Americans living on treaty protected lands be driven out or killed. Later that same year, a group of Virginia militiamen raided a settlement and killed some thirty natives. Nathaniel was born in 1645. He died of dysentery on October,28,1676. He was also a colonist in the Virginia colony.

Nix is a natural satellite of Pluto. It was discovered along with Hydra in June 2005, and is to be visited along with Pluto by the New Horizons mission in July 2015. The moon follows a circular orbit in the same plane as Charon. Nix was found by the Hubble Space Telescope Pluto Companion Search Team, composed of Hal A. Weaver, S. Alan Stern, Max J. Mutchler, Andrew J. Steffl, Marc W. Buie, William J. Merline, John R. Spencer, Eliot F. Young, and Leslie A. Young. The discovery images were taken on May 15, 2005, and May 18, 2005; the moons were independently discovered by Max J. Mutchler on June 15, 2005, and Andrew J. Steffl on August 15, 2005. The discoveries were announced on October 31, 2005, after confirmation by precoveries from 2002. The moons were provisionally designated.

Here is a paragraph about how to take care of a hamster! If your parents agree that you can have a pet hamster you need to have it's House all set up before you get it. These pets will need a cage, food dish, a excursive wheel, a water bowl bed covering shredded wood or cotton, and food. Make sure you buy a good cage for your hamster. There are glass cages and wire cages. If your pet is in a drafty area the glass cage is a good option but if this pet is not in a drafty area you should use a wire cage. If you have not had a hamster before make sure to buy a baby hamster so you can train it. But if you have had a hamster before you can chose a baby or adult. Make sure were you put this hamsters cage is were it wont disturb anyone.
Here is Nix's orbit!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    You gave a lot of information on Nathaniel Bacon. You need to make sure that you put it in date order. By doing this your paragraph would have had more of a flow. Also, some of your sentences didn't really make sense. You can have lots of sentences as long as they are complete.

    I learned about Nix from you. Great Job. Did your source give more information about the actual moon? Remember what we learned about the other moons as we have learned about the solar system. Where did it get its name and stuff like that.

    In your third paragraph, House is capitalized. This is wrong because house is not a proper noun. That sentence is also a run-on. You misspelled exercise. In this case, you would use their instead of there.

    You did a really good job today. I learned a lot and am really enjoying the picture that you included.

    Your word count was 377 words.

    Your grade for this post is 20/25
    1pt sentence structure
    1pt capitalization
    1pt run-on sentence
    1pt spelling
    1pt proper usage of word

    Love mommy :)
