Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Milky Way, A Colonists Journal, And Engraving Art.

The Milky Way is a place where the solar system is held. This name derives from its appearance as a dim unresolved "milky" glowing band arching across the night sky. A long time ago the Milky Way was a tiny speck of dust as tiny as the point of a pencil. After many years the speck exploded and the Milky Way was born. The Milky Way has 500,000,000 to 100,000,000 stars. The Milky Way has 9 planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, And Pluto.

 Here is a journal I wrote! I think we should make laws for our own state not Britain. The taxes on paper, tea, and glass are ridiculous. If England keeps giving us taxes we won't have any money left. If you ask me I say we need to fight for independence. The Declaration of Independence has been singed we now have Independence!

Some people might see a picture labeled by a engraving artist and wander what it means. A engraving picture is a picture with lines you half-ted to carve out with a pointy stick. I am working on a engraving art project with my mom as well. I am making a tabby kitten and cat picture my mom is making a tiger and tiger cub one. We both almost have our heads done! I you posted on how im doing on it.

Here is a picture of the Milky Way!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    Great job on the Milky Way. You did miss a comma but that's not too bad.

    You journal entry is interesting. The last sentence needed a comma because you have two separate thoughts there.

    The word half-ted is incorrect, you should have used the word "have". Also, the last sentence of this paragraph doesn't quite make any sense.

    I really like the picture of the Milky Way.

    Your word count is 227 words.

    Your grade: 23/25
    1pt comma usage
    1pt sentence structure.

    love mommy ;)
