Friday, October 28, 2011

Facts About The Planets

So far Earth is the only planet that can handle life. But some day Mars might have humans living on its surface. Our great great great great grand kids may live on Mars. NASA is still researching the planet Mars. To find out if life had ever existed there. Jupiter could never have life on it. When NASA sent probes to land on the planet it burned the probes into ash. Although one of Jupiter's moons might have life in it's hidden ocean. Many scientists still study Mars for signs of life. But so far they have found nothing. But in the past a scientist made a discovery that there may be ancient life on Mars. Mercury could never hold life either. Its just bolted rock formed by the sun. Before the scientist discovered ancient life on Mars Viking 1 was sent to the barren planet. Mars is similar to Antarctica. Maybe some day scientists will find out were humans came from.


  1. Andrea,

    Very interesting post today. You might have mentioned that you watched a video to learn this information. Great Job on capitalizing NASA. One other thing to mention, you have a run on sentence near the end. Otherwise great job today.

    Your word count is 161 words.

    Love your

  2. You guys should check out Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) if you haven't already.
    It's really cool cuz they teach you new things every day!

  3. Score: 23/25
    2pt run on sentence
