Thursday, December 15, 2011

George Mason, Leopard Seal, and Music Terms.

He was one of the most affluent of the colonial Virginia planters. In his triple capacity as trustee of Alexandria justice of the Fairfax county court, and vestryman of Truro parish, Mason exercised great influence in local politics. In 1752 he became a member of the Ohio Company (serving as treasurer until 1773), and in 1759 he was elected to the Virginia house of burgesses. An early opponent of British colonial policy, he drafted the non importation resolutions adopted (1769) by the burgesses against the British and also wrote (1774) the Fairfax Resolves, which restated the constitutional position of the colonies in relation to the crown. Mason served on the Virginia committee of safety, and as a member of the Virginia constitutional convention of 1776 he drafted the well-known declaration of rights, which was extensively copied by other American states, and which was drawn on by Thomas Jefferson in the first part of the Declaration of Independence. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia (1787) and took part in drafting in the construction.

The Leopard Seal is the second largest of all seals out there. They are very strong animals and they tend to take over the areas where they reside. They are dark gray in color and can weigh up to 1,300 pounds. They can also be about 11 feet long. The females are smaller than the males but still quite large compared to other types of seals.

I was asked to define theses music terms. Baritone: a male voice or voice part intermediate between tenor and bass. Cota: a more or less independent message. Jota: a Spanish dance in triple meter, performed by a couple and marked by complex rhythms executed with the heels and castanets. Loure: A slow, dignified, French dance. Pitch: to put. Rhapsody: an instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    When starting a paragraph about someone, use their name instead of "He." You would do this so that the reader knows who you are talking about. You also need to make sure you are capitalizing proper nouns and using commas correctly. Other than that, I learned a lot and enjoyed reading your blog. You did give the wrong definition of pitch when it refers to something in music.

    Your word count is 302 words.

    Your score 23/25
    1pt capitalization
    1pt commas

    love mommy
